Thanx to Aline's input Tofauti on the move have decided to launch this entrepreneurship project as an alternative for sustaining the school and the kids themselves. This was further conceptualized by Christine Nyambura last Saturday and why not..So we will open a website for the school and bank account not forgeting a facebook page to help enhance this initiative.
Faith Homes Learning institution is a home come school for
disadvantaged destitute street children and orphans.
Problem statement
The plight of poverty, unemployment and the general neglect
of the government towards these kids has led to the ever rising population of
illiterate citizens in the society. This can basically be attributed by their
in-access to proper education and lack of empowerment, hence eventually being a
societal hindrance.
Project Scope and Objectives
Besides offering supplementary voluntary basic teaching the
institution has on-top of that also ventured more purposely and effectively in
launching an entrepreneurship program where the kids are trained in making hand
made artifacts and ornaments for later sale and thus financial sustainability.
Engagements by volunteers and interns.
Basically the volunteers will be in-charge of supervising
this project. They will thus also teach and in the process learn various skills
too i.e.
- Entrepreneurship skills
- Saving and investment
- sales and marketing skills
- pitching proposals
- writing, communication and presentation skills
Project Deliverables
Clearly as you can see the purpose is to achieve self
sustainability in these children by providing another channel where the
children can enhance themselves further by this handicraft skill. The idea is to create a channel of these products and a ready demand for them to enhance their sale. Some of
the benefits actuated in this program
Self development and community development
School sustainability
Funding means for their education
Build socially responsible citizens
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